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Effective Ways To Improve Your Style In Academic Writing

Effective Ways To Improve Your Style In Academic Writing

Academic writing is a necessary ability that all students must learn. You must articulate your ideas with grace, clarity, and strength to succeed in the competitive world of academics. These ten suggestions can assist you in improving and polishing your academic writing so that you may amaze your peers, professors, and even publications. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind if you want to excel in academic writing:

1. Try To Write In Active Voice Only

Avoid the use of Passive Voice if you want to improve your academic writing. Try using sentences written in Active Voice as they look more professional and represent good academic writing.

2. Experiment With Punctuations

Here are a few widely misunderstood punctuation symbols that many people are unsure about:

  • The semicolon (;) denotes the separation of two complete sentences that are complementary.

 “She was always covered in cinders from cleaning the fireplace; they called her Cinderella,” for example.

  • The colon (:) is employed:

a) coming before a list

 “Cinderella had three duties to accomplish before her stepmother awoke: feeding the chickens, cooking breakfast, and doing the laundry.”

b)as a sort of “drum roll” before a major revelation.

 “Jealousy inspired the wicked stepmother’s hatred for Cinderella,” for example.

  • The dash (–) is formed by typing two hyphens together (-). There are no gaps between the dash and the text. It is employed:

a) to exclude some explanatory information.

 “Even Cinderella’s stepsisters, who were not nearly as attractive or virtuous as Cinderella, were permitted to attend the ball.”

b) in the colon’s “drum roll” sense.

 “Prince C,” for example.

3. Avoid Choppiness

You must not say: “She washed the floors. They had a filthy appearance. She wiped the floor with a mop. She sighed dejectedly. It was almost as if she were a servant.” Instead, state: (again, there are other ways to phrase this) “As if she were a servant, she scrubbed the filthy floors with a mop. She groaned dejectedly.” 

  • Avoid Repetition

Don’t mention something like, “The stepsisters were resentful and envious. “Rather, say, “The stepsisters were envious.” (Or jealous.) Choose one.) 

  • Be Specific

Don’t say something like, “Every eligible man at the ball admired the mystery lady. “Every eligible man at the ball admired the mystery lady,” instead.

4. Use The Vocabulary That You Are Familiar With 

Don’t feel obligated to use large words all of the time if you want to improve your academic writing. It is always preferable to be clear and utilize plain language rather than flaunting dazzling phrases you are unsure about and possibly misuse them. It doesn’t mean that you should settle for mediocre vocabulary selections (like “bad” or “big” or “mad”).

5. Work On Expanding Vocabulary

Look up unfamiliar words as you read. Look at how they’re used. Make a list. Include them in your writing when you feel comfortable and when it is suitable.


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